Maintenance plans and spare parts strategies for new or existing plant

CMMS ready data preparation and CMMS data loading

Data recovery and clean up from legacy to new data platforms

Onshore, Offshore, Oil Refinery, LNG, Gas to Liquids plants

Maintenance Plans for Oil and Gas Industries

Maintenance plans ensure maximum plant safety, reliability and efficiency.

Plans are tailored to suit your operational requirements and plant availability demands.

The plans are developed via a number of options

Existing plant will usually have some sort of history either formal or staff memory. The knowledge can be used as a basis for the new or revised maintenance plan. Evaluation of existing plant issues can be performed to resolve them.

New plant should be evaluated to establish what sort of maintenance will be required. The evaluation is a brief reliability study of one form or another.

The reliability study can identify many previously unknown issues, some of which can be designed out and many which cannot be changed. The maintenance plan can be created to address those issues.

Spare parts strategy is an integral part of the maintenance plan. Sparing options are developed based upon multiple factors. Optimally minimal spares are held.

Existing computerized information can be electronically extracted and reused in a new plan. Data cleanup is usually required and offered. The electronic data can usually be transferred with minimal intervention into a new CMMS.

Full reliability studies are available if required. What ifs, FMEA, residual risks, bow tie analysis, HAZID and HAZOP.

Case studies

An oil tanker was being converted to a floating production storage and offloading vessel based out of Singapore.

The ship prior to being modified already had a TS Master CMMS mostly loaded. Additional production equipment and modifications to the ship required the development of a full maintenance and sparing plan.

The requirement was for a rapid development in three months for the TS Master to be loaded with the complete updated vessel and new equipment information.

The schedule was met by utilizing electronic collection of information from vendors electronic documentation and directly transferring the selected information into the TS Master CMMS.

TM Master personnel greatly facilitated this work by checking the integrity of the merging of the old and new data.

Maintenance routines for the new equipment were developed from the vendor’s information, independent failure data, and experience of the equipment.

A new North Sea offshore dive vessel was being equipped with a hyperbaric dive system in Norway.

The hyperbaric control system was being designed and built in Norway in conjunction with a German safety company.

A residual risk study was performed. A full maintenance plan was developed and delivered in an electronically transferable format.

The schedule for the work was six months. The schedule was met, all deliverables were approved by DNV.

An existing Gulf of Mexico oil platform was delivering poor performance and was unreliable. In order to not be shut down and scrapped the platform had to be made reliable.

A FMEA was performed despite it being not a new design, numerous issues were uncovered using the FMEA process that had not previously been identified. New maintenance routines were developed, spare parts policy revised. Within two years the platform began achieving ‘best performance awards’ from the owners.

A new Gulf of Mexico oil platform was due to be commissioned and started up when it was discovered that a safety system had been modified without authorization. This raised the question whether the platform could be started up safely and legally in compliance with US regulations. A ‘bow tie’ assessment was performed around the subject device. The assessment was that there were multiple additional safety systems and mitigation processes that ultimately meant that the system was still safe. The platform was started up on time. A delay would have resulted in the loss of many millions of dollars. It must be said that company had no intention of starting up without the approval.

The US Operation Freedom war effort involved transporting considerable quantities of materials of reconstruction into Iraq by road. My role was to set up from scratch in Iraq, with no prior preparation within 30 days the monitoring and emergency communication system for the convoys, and be the authority to instruct Iraqi Customs on which materials and convoys could enter Iraq Duty Free. A satellite monitoring system was set up, links to the US military rapid response created. The customs clearance system was set up and functioned. We created our own data system to monitor the satellite tracking information.

Halliburton KBR introduced a new SAP system for all their information. My role was to clean up all of KBR’s legacy data, convert it into a transferable format and create data loads for the SAP system. A new way to load SAP was developed.

The BP ETAP project employed possibly the first ISO 10303 compliant data warehouse. My role was to map all of the design data from eleven separate design applications into the data warehouse. This required me to extend the ISO 10303 reference data library to include every item associated with the ETAP platform. I was able to do that because I had previously been part of the ISO 10303 and 15926 development. All of the ETAP design data / information was loaded into the data warehouse. I then selected which of that data was required for maintenance and spare parts for the platform. Having selected all that data I mapped it into a MAXIMO CMMS. Once that was mapped I loaded the MAXIMO CMMS with basically the press of a button.

POSC Ceasar project in Norway required engineers who knew the oil industry plant and were able to understand electronic data storage and transfer. My role was to write the rotating equipment reference data library (RDL) Originally RDLs were called the class library.

Other case studies:

UK West Coast Main Line Maintenance and upgrade strategy, and availability assessment

Mobil Oil Coryton refinery ‘Lubes Zone’ reliability improvement

Small scale LNG plants operational readiness

Gas to Liquids plant Qatar maintenance and reliability

Gulf of Thailand offshore gas platform maintenance and reliability

LNG tank repair, LNG plant maintenance and reliabilty Das Island

ISO STEP 10303 and 15926 compliant data if required

Data transfer and sharing options

Data from other systems can be imported into your data systems and particularly your CMMS.

Data Warehouse loading available.

About the service provider

I am Andy Bush. I have been doing this type of work for major operators for many years.

My experience of maintaining oil and gas plant provides my background to prepare maintenance plans.

Eur Ing A.R.Bush BSc (hons). CEng. MIMechE. UK subject and US citizen. US and UK passports.

I began in the oil industry in 1974 with BP. I semi retired from the oil industry at the end of 2016.

I do all the work myself

Keep your oil and gas plant running smoothly

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